April 26 – Collage craft workshop in Lancashire

I finally committed to organising a collage craft workshop! I had been thinking about organising some kind of craft workshop for a while now but wasn’t sure yet what kind of craft I wanted to do.

I initially wanted to do acrylic on canvas but that would cost quite a lot of money with regards to supplies, meaning I’d have to charge an amount I thought not many people would want to pay. But collage costs less to do with regards to materials and might also seem less daunting for people to try out.

During the collage craft workshop we will make a handstitched booklet or use a canvas board and decorate/fill it using collage techniques. I have made a few collage things recently and can’t wait to see what others do with the same materials!

For more information, check out the event details HERE.

By Alex

I have been crafting since early childhood and currently do mostly sewing and illustration. 'Almalauha' is the project I started to showcase my sewing/fashion hobby, at least that was the plan. But because I like a million different arts/crafts things, I'm just going to share most of the creative things I do on this blog.

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