I know it’s been a bit quiet on my blog. This is because I was finalising a university course I started last year, so my attention has mainly been channeled into that direction. I’ve also had some other things come up, but I wanted to share the organisers I currently use (almost) daily.

At the top, a Filofax Pocket Finsbury in black leather. Bought secondhand. It’s got the big back pocket that spans the entire cover, although I am not using it at the moment. I use alphabet index tabs because I use this organiser to keep track of passwords for online accounts as you end up with so many.
The grey organiser is my everyday carry (EDC) and is made by myself using grey tarpaulin (the stuff used on the side of lorries). It’s in Personal size with 30mm rings as I wanted as much space as possible for all my junk. I explained how I made this in a blog post as well as a video. I use this for my daily planner (two days per page) and carry it with me when I leave the house.
Finally, the biggest Filofax I currently use is a Filofax Deskfax Richmond in black leather, also second hand as they no longer make this. It uses B5 paper (250mm x 176mm) which is not common here in the UK. I’ve only been able to find the odd B5 notebook (either stitched/glue binding or spiral bound), not as note pads or separate sheets. This means I need to trim the paper myself. I like narrow-ruled paper where the lines are 6mm apart, and this is also not that common in the UK it seems. However, this won’t stop me from making it happen: I recently found a narrow-ruled A4 notepad at a charity shop and trimmed the pages to the right size (and of course punched the holes using my adjustable 6-hole punch: it’s not that hard although it takes a little more time). I use the Deskfax for seminar notes, notes for my design/craft stuff, language learning, and free online courses at the Open University.
I used a Filofax A5 Finsbury in black leather (not shown in my photos) for my uni course this past academic year, but now that I have a Deskfax, I am not sure I will have a use for the A5 right now. I will still hold on to it, as it is such a nice quality and served me well, and it’s likely I will find some use for it in the future. The course stuff outgrew one organiser so I bought cheap plastic 6-rings binders online as a storage solution. I now keep my A5 spare pages/dividers as well as all my course notes in them:

I hope to have a crafts update some time in August as I have some projects planned :).